Navigate your dating life with outrageous self-confidence 

This isn’t the kind of confidence that lives on the surface. This is the kind of bulletproof assurance that comes from

deep within you. 

It’s what makes you stop spinning in your insecurity. It’s what makes you unbothered by rejection. It’s what makes you stop taking things personally. It’s what makes you stop chasing unavailable men. It’s what makes you trust in yourself so that you can communicate effectively and navigate relationships with clarity. 

“Sheilanova doesn’t sugarcoat things. She’s very honest, straightforward, and very supportive. I didn’t know that the tools she teaches even existed, and I had been in therapy for a couple of years. She was the first one to give me exercises to break down my thoughts and actually find the root cause of why I was feeling the way I was feeling. I’d recommend her to anyone struggling with confidence either professional or in relationships. I even wish my mom would work with her!”  

- Jenny K.                              

Do you always seem to be attracted to men who don’t really want to commit to you?

Maybe you’re confident on the first few dates, but then once you start catching feelings, you don’t like who you become.

You can’t get a guy out of your head.

You find yourself spending hours on his social media profile playing amateur CIA detective.

Perhaps you’ve labeled yourself as anxiously-attached and tried therapy, but nothing is stopping your anxiety and racing thoughts. And now you’re starting to believe that maybe your problems are too big to be fixed.

I am here to tell you that there is nothing about you that is too big to be fixed. 

Too many people try to fix their relationship anxiety by obsessing over what to say, what to do, or how to act. They assume if they can just figure out the right way to do things, then everything will resolve itself. 

The problem with this method is that trying to eradicate your unwanted behaviors with more anxious-fueled actions will result in more unwanted behavior. 

Apply to Work With Me

After I review your application, you will be invited to book a free call with me. 

The solution is to build self-confidence

Building self-confidence requires rewiring your current self-concept and the way you interpret other people’s behavior and your heightened emotional states.

Self-confidence is what stops you from the constant mental rumination. It’s what gets you out of your head and allows you to take clear and decisive action in your relationships. It’s what makes you cool, calm, and collected EVEN in the face of fear. 

If I can go from being a woman who spent hours a day stalking a guys Facebook profile and blowing up his phone 700 times in an hour, to a woman who it’s impossible to offend or take things personally, then

you can change, too. 

Becoming outrageously self-confident doesn’t mean you’ll eradicate your negative feelings. You are human. You will have negative feelings until the day you die. BUT. Being able to navigate your negative feelings with the right tools is what makes you self-confident. Ironically, this is what makes your negative feelings a LOT less intense (which makes it even easier to navigate them).

So how does life-coaching help build self-confidence? 

Imagine someone you trust helps you to completely makeover your messy closet. Not only does this person have a keen eye for exactly where all of your things need to go, but they also accompany you shopping and help you select a new wardrobe that fits you beautifully. This results in you effortlessly making decisions about what to wear to any future event. 

Right now your mind is like a messy closet.

Coaching allows you to organize your mental clutter and create new mental and emotional states so that you can get out of your head and show up powerfully in your relationships. 

When you’re not obsessing over his next text, you’re focusing on what truly matters. 

When you’re not terrified of rejection, you start attracting the relationship you truly desire.

Desiring a relationship from desperation gets you further away from the relationship you truly desire. 

Self-confidence quells desperation, even when your "clock is running out."

Self-confidence is the answer. 


Are you ready to develop outrageous self-confidence? 

Apply to Work With Me

After I review your application, you will be invited to book a free call with me. 

“Dude. This shit is magic. I cannot believe how much my life has changed! Within 2 coaching sessions, I completely stopped stalking my ex’s Facebook page - something I had been doing 100x a day for months! The way I am showing up with friends has completely changed, too. I’m no longer people-pleasing and I’m feeling compassion for things that would have been a huge deal before.” 

- Christy L.                              

I’d like to invite you to spend 6 months with me and change your life...


6 Months

Private Coaching


After I review your application, you will be invited to book a free call with me. Payment plan available. 

Apply to Work With Me

What's Included:

Private Coaching Calls

One of the best predictors of outrageous self-confidence is how well you interact with your negative emotional states. Inside our weekly 45-minute Zoom calls, you are going to use practical tools to help you develop a sense of secure calm that allows you to stop overthinking and start taking clear, decisive action in your relationships. Every call will be custom tailored to your personal experience and your specific situation.


Unlimited Talk/Text

Don’t wait to bring your dating issue to your weekly coaching call. Have me in your pocket when you need me the most. Let’s handle situations as they arise by communicating via talk or text in the Voxer app. This private and secure app allows us to tackle any question or sticky situation as it comes up.


Additional 4-Week Summertime Coaching *

Get an additional month of unlimited talk/text support when I visit Switzerland. This summer I am headed to the Alps for 4-weeks and taking a break from zoom calls, but that doesn’t mean the coaching stops for you. These 4-weeks will be tacked onto your coaching program at no additional cost and you will receive all the talk/text support you need this summer. This essentially turns your 6-month coaching program into a 7-month journey.

*Available to new clients enrolling by June 30th

SOS Call *

The road to self-confidence is not a linear journey. Sometimes you will experience what will appear like a set-back after experiencing a ton of progress. When talk/text on Voxer isn’t enough and you just need someone to talk to that isn’t a friend, you’ll have an opportunity to call my phone directly. Your number will be saved as an emergency contact in my phone so it will bypass my silencer.

*Available to new clients enrolling by April 31st

Luxurious Journaling

You will be practicing written exercises. Writing on the back of an old receipt is fine (I even do this from time to time), but I’d also like for you to use a gorgeous hard-cover journal for your penmanship.

Surprise Bouquet

Have you ever wanted to arrive home to a beautiful arrangement of flowers on your doorstep? You might have imagined that it would come from your ideal boyfriend. But this bouquet will be coming from me, when you least expect it, with a lovely note about you and the most amazing woman that you are.

Surprise Box

I can’t tell you what’s in this box because every box is different, but it will be curated with YOU in mind.

Apply to Work With Me

After I review your application, you will be invited to book a free call with me. 

"Working with Sheilanova has been a life changing experience. She is an amazing life coach. It helps to work with a life coach who has done the work herself. As a result, she provides depth, empathy, and clarity while tackling difficult issues. My sessions with her are helping me truly move forward in my life and implement changes." 

- Katrina R.                              

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re still having doubts

that coaching might not work for your particular relationship issues, please know that every single one of my clients felt the exact same way you did before they started working with me. 

Doubt is normal.

But don’t mistake doubt for intuition. 

Intuition is a faint voice that whispers, I think this might be able to help me. 

Doubt is a loud voice that yells, You’re too fucked up and everything you’ve tried doesn’t work! What makes you think this can help you, too?!

Doubt tends to drown out intuition. 

Listening to your intuition when your doubt is screaming will bring up a lot of fear. This is completely normal.

Sound Familiar?


“I thought my problems were too big to be coached on. I was concerned that my dating anxiety was too big to be fixed by anyone, and I worried that coaching would be a waste of time and money. But realizing how simple it is to create the reality you’d rather experience through your own thoughts has been my favorite part of this work.” 

-Sarah D.                               

• • •

“I thought that there was something wrong with me, and that there was no way that this kind of coaching would work. But ultimately, it just got to a point where I was like, okay, what I'm doing isn't working so I need to do something I've never done before. Now it’s like a huge weight has been lifted off of me and I feel so much more secure in myself. A lot of my past tendencies are almost completely gone, and I have this entirely new outlook on my dating life.” 

- Brittany T.                               

• • •

“Right when Sheilanova and I started working together, I feared that it wasn't going to make the change that I wanted — or a change that was impactful enough. But now I feel safer to be loved and love other people around me without feeling like they’re just gonna disappear or go away.”

- Kate P.                               

• • •

“My biggest worry was that there was something wrong with me that couldn't be fixed.  I really needed help with communication and relationships because I felt like I wasn't doing something right. But I also needed help with the internal work of accepting myself. Working with Sheilanova has given me more confidence to do these things on my own. If I would’ve tried to do something self-paced, I don't know if I would’ve been able to practice this work the same way I did when I would get on the coaching calls with her.” 

- Bianca P.                               

Still have questions? 

Apply to work with me. After I review your application, you’ll be invited to book a free call with me. 

Apply to Work With Me

Still have questions? 

Apply to work with me. After I review your application, you’ll be invited to book a free call with me. 

Apply to Work With Me